We make flower delivery happy, accessible and biker friendly.


When designing and handcrafting our bouquets we pay special attention to use only flowers that are fresh, seasonal and of high quality. flowerMe bouquets contain more flowers than fillings so they can breath freely and delight the recipient with their fresh and playful looks.

We know how difficult it is to find your way in the heavy traffic of Budapest. That is why we choose to deliver the flowers by bike and free of charge in the inner city. With this in mind, gifting flowers becomes a simple and easily accessible treat to everyone.

We also support the Hungarian Cyclists`Club with donations for more cycle paths and a healthier, happier life. So biking to work or to school in the city could be more joyful and become an everyday habit.



flowerMe is one of the top 8 best online florists in Budapest according to Flower Delivery Reviews and one of the best 10 florists in Budapest according to the Best Florist Review.

According with We Love Budapest, flowerMe is listed among the top 5 unique flower and plant local shops in Budapest. Thank you for the listing and appreciation!